
Postal Code K0M 2L0ONTARIO Canada



Area Code: 705
Area name: NORLAND
Population: 48885
Time zone: 5
Local time: 6:36:39 PM

Businesses near postal code: K0M 2L0

Norland Aircraft Svc Ltd
2677 victoria country rd, Norland, ON  K0M 2L0  7054548933
Airports flying fields and services. Transportation by Air

Norland Food Mkt
7489 hwy 35, Norland, ON  K0M 2L0  7054543411
Miscellaneous general merchandise stores. General Merchandise Stores

Phillips Petro Marketing
7843 hwy 35 n, Norland, ON  K0M 2L0  7054542660
Gasoline service stations. Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations

Madore Trailer Sales and Svc Ltd
3139 county rd 45, Norland, ON  K0M 2L0  7054542512
Recreational vehicle dealers. Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations

Cottage Country Paving LTD
219 8th Line, Norland, ON  K0M 2L0  7054541574
Anything Pavement

NORLAND ONTARIO K0M 2L0 Postal codes Canada

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