
Postal Code K7H 3C3ONTARIO Canada



Area Code: 613
Area name: PERTH
Population: 14862
Time zone: 5
Local time: 3:58:40 PM

Businesses near postal code: K7H 3C3

George E Kerr Domestic and Comm
Rr 1 stn main, Perth, ON  K7H 3C3  6132673317
Refrigeration equipment and supplies. Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods

Options Youth 6132649646
2427 perth rd, Perth, ON  K7H 3C3  6132649646
Individual and family services. Social Services

Moulton C J
Rr 1 stn main, Perth, ON  K7H 3C3  6132671782
Nonresidential construction nec. Building Cnstrctn - General Contractors & Operativ

Fellingers Mill Restaurant
1094 1st conc trummont, Perth, ON  K7H 3C3  6132679947
Eating places. Eating and Drinking Places

Carsons Farm Supply
Hwy 43, Perth, ON  K7H 3C3  6132640322
Retail nurseries and garden stores. Building Matrials, Hrdwr, Garden Supply & Mobile

PERTH ONTARIO K7H 3C3 Postal codes Canada

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