
Postal Code T5K 0A5ALBERTA Canada


10135 to 10233 96 AVE EDMONTON ALBERTA

Area Code: 780
Area name: EDMONTON
Population: 21781
Time zone: 7
Local time: 9:37:46 AM

Businesses near postal code: T5K 0A5

Edmonton Trappers Baseball Clb
10233 96 ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5K 0A5  7804144450
Civic and social associations. Membership Organizations

Rossdale Community League
10135 96 ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5K 0A5  7804210183
Amusement and recreation nec. Amusement and Recreation Services

Northern League In Edmonton
10233 96 ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5K 0A5  7804232255
Membership sports and recreation clubs. Amusement and Recreation Services

10135 to 10233 96 AVE EDMONTON ALBERTA T5K 0A5 Postal codes Canada

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