
Postal Code T5Y 2C2ALBERTA Canada


15108 to 15116 25 ST EDMONTON ALBERTA

Area Code: 780
Area name: EDMONTON
Population: 27185
Time zone: 7
Local time: 9:47:46 AM

Businesses near postal code: T5Y 2C2

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada  T5Y 2C2  7804755534
HELP WANTED Wanted - Independent Dealers that would like to be grossly over paid. Revolutionary new smoking device allows you to achieve the satisfaction of smoking without the dangerous chemicals and odors associated with smoking. Customers select the desired nicotine level -none, low, medium, high. * Odorless - No more smoking outside! * Safe - no carcinogens, tobacco,tar or other chemicals * Smoke turns into water vapor * Smoke at the office - no problem * No ash trays or lighters * 60% cheaper than brand name cigarettes * Buy wholesale - sell retail * Sell to Nightclubs, Bars, Casinos, Bowling alleys, Tobacco Shops, Drive Thrues, Retirement Homes, Hospitals - Etc.

15108 to 15116 25 ST EDMONTON ALBERTA T5Y 2C2 Postal codes Canada

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