
Postal Code T5Z 2X5ALBERTA Canada


16907 to 16915 90 ST EDMONTON ALBERTA

Area Code: 780
Area name: EDMONTON
Population: 23073
Time zone: 7
Local time: 9:45:32 AM

Businesses near postal code: T5Z 2X5

Infinite Plumbing Heating and DrainCleaning
9012 169A Ave NW, Edmonton, AB  T5Z 2X5  7807824441
 It can be tough to find a plumbing company that can be trusted with both new installations and repairs. But with our years of experience dealing with every type of problem or issue imaginable and our fully liscenced technicions, anything from the simplest drain clogs to the most problematic broken pipes is in our scope of ability. Our plumbing work is all guaranteed with our provided 1 year in-home warranty,on most items and our full remodel and re-pipes come with a 10-15 year warranty, partial re-pipes are generally covered for 5 years. On top of all of this, we offer emergency service that is available 24/7, so that when your drain starts to overflow at 3am, we will have it covered.

A Barata Trucking Ltd
9012 169a ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5Z 2X5  7809105637
Construction and mining machinery. Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods

16907 to 16915 90 ST EDMONTON ALBERTA T5Z 2X5 Postal codes Canada

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