
Postal Code K0C 1T0ONTARIO Canada


18280 to 18408 CONC RD 15 MAXVILLE ONTARIO

Area Code: 613
Area name: MAXVILLE
Population: 51241
Time zone: 5
Local time: 10:07:59 AM

Businesses near postal code: K0C 1T0

Camp De Laigle
3700 loch garry rd, Maxville, ON  K0C 1T0  6135271150
Sporting and recreational camps. Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging

Jaggassar T A Md
72 mechanic st w, Maxville, ON  K0C 1T0  6135272030
Offices and clinics of medical doctors. Health Services

Chieftain Restaurant and Dining
4 main st, Maxville, ON  K0C 1T0  6135271717
Eating places. Eating and Drinking Places

Maxville Public School
15 alexander st, Maxville, ON  K0C 1T0  6135272195
Elementary and secondary schools. Educational Services

Maxville Chip Stand
4 main st, Maxville, ON  K0C 1T0  6135273478
Eating places. Eating and Drinking Places

18280 to 18408 CONC RD 15 MAXVILLE ONTARIO K0C 1T0 Postal codes Canada

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