
Postal Code M4R 1J8ONTARIO Canada



Area Code: 416
Area name: TORONTO
Population: 10822
Time zone: 5
Local time: 3:35:40 AM

Businesses near postal code: M4R 1J8

Walk A Pooch
2 Craighurst Ave, Ontario, Canada  M4R 1J8  6472172465
Friendly neighbourhood dog walker Providing half hour to one hour walks in the Lawrence park area. My rates are affordable and I offer free walk cards, for ever 10 walk you get one free. There is also a discount for those who have more than 1 dog, or find themself on a fixed income. All dogs are welcome, however I do have three years working experiance working with the bully breeds. I also provide if you are need of it, basic training free of charge. Give me a call today my name is Raven Legros and lets get your pooch out for a walk.

As You Like It 4164866915
8 craighurst ave, Toronto, ON  M4R 1J8  4164866915
Miscellaneous apparel and accessory stores. Apparel and Accessory Stores

Mosaic Tour Consultants
20 craighurst ave, Toronto, ON  M4R 1J8  4164890699
Travel agencies. Transportation Services

Capitol Shoe Repairs
10 craighurst ave, Toronto, ON  M4R 1J8  4164835818
Shoe repair and shoeshine parlors. Personal Services

Canadian Legal Source
3-20 craighurst ave, Toronto, ON  M4R 1J8  4168500661
Business services nec. Business Services

2 to 70 CRAIGHURST AVE TORONTO ONTARIO M4R 1J8 Postal codes Canada

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