
Postal Code L1A 3V7ONTARIO Canada


3011 to 3531 HWY 2 PORT HOPE ONTARIO

Area Code: 905
Area name: PORT HOPE
Population: 14952
Time zone: 5
Local time: 11:36:03 PM

Businesses near postal code: L1A 3V7

Ganaraska Grain
4566 kellogg rd, Port hope, ON  L1A 3V7  9057532242
Farm product warehousing and storage. Motor Freight Transportation

Baileys Automotive Recycling
2376 baulch rd n rr 3, Port hope, ON  L1A 3V7  9058851303
Automotive services nec. Automotive Repair, Services and Parking

Old Oak Tree 9058851944
2c 4 conc w, Port hope, ON  L1A 3V7  9058851944
Furniture stores. Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores

Filco Corp
2655 lakeshore rd, Port hope, ON  L1A 3V7  9058856908
Industrial furnaces and ovens. Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer E

Bramshore Construction Co
Rr 3 stn main, Port hope, ON  L1A 3V7  9058850964
Nonresidential construction nec. Building Cnstrctn - General Contractors & Operativ

3011 to 3531 HWY 2 PORT HOPE ONTARIO L1A 3V7 Postal codes Canada

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