
Postal Code N0G 1R0ONTARIO Canada


313675 to 315199 6 HWY DURHAM ONTARIO

Area Code: 519
Area name: DURHAM
Population: 82781
Time zone: 5
Local time: 5:28:43 PM

Businesses near postal code: N0G 1R0

Saxon Cabs
Durham, ON, Canada  N0G 1R0  5193694521
Hand Made Guitar Cabinets. Built my a musician.

Simmonds Woodturning
PO Box 884, Durham, ON  N0G 1R0  8772478408
Simmonds Woodturning is a Custom Woodturning Mill producing high quality Wooden Porch Posts, Porch Columns, Newel Posts, Balusters, Large Diameter Table Legs and Kitchen Island Legs. We also provide Spires and King Posts, Hand and Shoe Rail, Brackets and Spandrels.

Mc Culloch Funeral Home
166 bruce st n, Durham, ON  N0G 1R0  5193693837
Funeral service and crematories. Personal Services

European and Canadian Bakery
112 garafraxa st, Durham, ON  N0G 1R0  5193692553
Retail bakeries. Food Stores

West End Motors 5193693836
112 garafraxa st, Durham, ON  N0G 1R0  5193693836
New and used car dealers. Automotive Dealers and Gasoline Service Stations

313675 to 315199 6 HWY DURHAM ONTARIO N0G 1R0 Postal codes Canada

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