
Postal Code L1S 2H6ONTARIO Canada



Area Code: 905
Area name: AJAX
Population: 39021
Time zone: 5
Local time: 3:07:19 AM

Businesses near postal code: L1S 2H6

Guardian Seal Basement Waterproofing
68 Harwood Ave. S. Unit # 4, ON, Canada  L1S 2H6  4165661330
Guardian Seal is a family owned company that has been serving the GTA and Southern Ontario with 25 years of combined experience! FREE estimates/evaluations/inspections. We do: Basement leak repairs, interior drainage systems, epoxy crack injections, polyurethane resin crack injections, excavation work / mini excavators / bobcat service / dump trailers, exterior excavation and waterproofing (rubberized membrane applications), damp proofing / drainage layers / drywells / French drains, window well / lateral drain installations / backed up window well drains, and much more! “We get the job done right the first time!” Available 7 Days a Week with the option of 24 hour

Guardian Seal Basement Waterptoofing (L1S 2H6)
68 harwood ave south, Ontario, canada  L1S 2H6  9056832611
Complete basement waterproofing, leak repair, interior/exterior drainage systems, epoxy crack injections, polyurethane resin crack injections, excavation work / mini excavators / bobcat service / dump trailers, exterior excavation and waterproofing (rubberized membrane applications), damp proofing / drainage layers / drywells / French drains window well / lateral drain installations / backed up window well drains, and much more!

Capitalize Debt Management
68 Harwood Ave south, ON, Canada  L1S 2H6  4169496394
Need help with a Second Mortgage & not getting anywhere? FALL INTO THESE CATEGORIES & NEED HELP WITH A MORTGAGE? or Experiencing financial problems? Let me help! • Low Income • Credit issues, Bruised Credit, Bad or Derogatory Credit, Collection issues • Unemployed and in between Jobs • Debt Consolidations - Consolidating your Credit Card Debts with a lower interest loan Purchases (principal residence and investment properties) Urban/ Rural Acreages • Refinance and equity take outs • Pre-approvals, renewals and transfers • 100% financing/ Zero Down Mortgages (limited time offer) • Secured Lines of Credit • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Mortgages • Self employed no incom

Xplicit Night Club
90 Harwood Avenue South, Ontario, Canada  L1S 2H6  4169268080
Durham Newest and Hottest nightclub... 90 HARWOOD AVE SOUTH AJAX, ONTARIO

guardian seal basement waterproofing (L1S 2H6)
68 harwood ave s unit 4, ajax, ontario, canada  L1S 2H6  8775325379
inside & outside basement waterprooing( crack injection-inside drain -window well- sump pump-and more) tol free:1877LEAK-DRY. Guardian seal basement water proofing is a professional family- owned and operated company, Serving GTA area & south Ontario. With over 18 years of combined experience in construction- plumbing and basement water proofing for residential & commercial- houses and building. We take pride as professional truly dedicated to providing the best service and top of the line products to our customers Because we know your home is important to you Customer service is the most important aspect of what we do, We have the know how and the experience to solve these challenges

44 to 240 HARWOOD AVE AJAX ONTARIO L1S 2H6 Postal codes Canada

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