
Postal Code T2B 3S5ALBERTA Canada


4807 to 4923 47 ST CALGARY ALBERTA

Area Code: 403
Area name: CALGARY
Population: 22863
Time zone: 7
Local time: 1:47:18 AM

Businesses near postal code: T2B 3S5

Krown Produce Inc
4923 47 st se, Calgary, AB  T2B 3S5  4037203000
Fresh fruits and vegetables. Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods

Rampage Paintball
4839 47 st se, Calgary, AB  T2B 3S5  4032515166
Amusement and recreation nec. Amusement and Recreation Services

Petcetera 4032042332
4833 47 st se, Calgary, AB  T2B 3S5  4032042332
Miscellaneous retail stores nec. Miscellaneous Retail

High Mountain Feed Distr 4032365830
4909 47 st se, Calgary, AB  T2B 3S5  4032365830
Groceries and related products nec. Wholesale Trade - Nondurable Goods

Calgary Archery Ctr
4855 47 st se, Calgary, AB  T2B 3S5  4032556830
Sporting goods and bicycle shops. Miscellaneous Retail

4807 to 4923 47 ST CALGARY ALBERTA T2B 3S5 Postal codes Canada

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