Businesses near postal code: L3R 2M8
Argyle Flooring
560 Denison St Unit 2, ON, Canada
L3R 2M8
Argyle Flooring offers a wide range of residential and commercial products including hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, carpets (regular and designer), carpet tiles, porcelain and ceramic tiles and backsplashes including tile accessories, vinyl flooring, rubber flooring, gym flooring, kitchen/restaurant flooring, animal flooring for kennels, zoos, etc., aquatic flooring, trims and mouldings, sanding and finishing accessories and a whole other range of products. Visit our showroom to get a personal tour.
Len Kitchen Cabinets Co
560 denison st, Markham, ON
L3R 2M8
Furniture stores. Home Furniture, Furnishings and Equipment Stores
Virtual Academy Online Ltd
560 denison st, Markham, ON
L3R 2M8
Elementary and secondary schools. Educational Services
Bishop Graphics Ltd
560 denison st #3, Markham, ON
L3R 2M8
Signs and advertising specialties. Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
Btw Electronic Parts
560 denison st #2, Markham, ON
L3R 2M8
Electronic parts and equipment nec. Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods