
Postal Code J0B 1Y0QUEBEC Canada


75 to 863 257 RTE LA PATRIE QUEBEC

Area Code: 819
Area name: LA PATRIE
Population: 65111
Time zone: 5
Local time: 6:12:50 PM

Businesses near postal code: J0B 1Y0

Pizzeria Le Romarin
17 rue principale n, La patrie, QC  J0B 1Y0  8198882448
Eating places. Eating and Drinking Places

Base De Plein Air Station Dttn
44 ch du petit-canada e, La patrie, QC  J0B 1Y0  8198882555
Trailer parks and campsites. Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging

Pisciculture Alphonse Tellier
156 rte 212 e, La patrie, QC  J0B 1Y0  8198882286
Fish hatcheries and preserves. Fishing, Hunting, and Trapping

Adm Extermination
87 ch corrine, La patrie, QC  J0B 1Y0  8198882662
Disinfecting and pest control services. Business Services

Taxi Poulin
40 notre dame e, La patrie, QC  J0B 1Y0  8198882710
Taxicabs. Local, Suburban Transit & Interurbn Hgwy Passenge

75 to 863 257 RTE LA PATRIE QUEBEC J0B 1Y0 Postal codes Canada

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