
Postal Code T5H 0C7ALBERTA Canada


9604 to 9642 101A AVE EDMONTON ALBERTA

Area Code: 780
Area name: EDMONTON
Population: 25803
Time zone: 7
Local time: 11:19:17 AM

Businesses near postal code: T5H 0C7

Edmonton Police Dept
9620 101a ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5H 0C7  7804213487
Police protection. Justice, Public Order, and Safety

Salvation Army 7804259908
9616 101a ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5H 0C7  7804259908
Used merchandise stores. Miscellaneous Retail

Salvation Army 7804232111
9618 101a ave nw, Edmonton, AB  T5H 0C7  7804232111
Religious organizations. Membership Organizations

9604 to 9642 101A AVE EDMONTON ALBERTA T5H 0C7 Postal codes Canada

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