
Postal Code N4X 1C7ONTARIO Canada


962697 to 962735 ROAD 96 ST MARYS ONTARIO

Area Code: 519
Area name: ST MARYS
Population: 9271
Time zone: 5
Local time: 1:13:07 AM

Businesses near postal code: N4X 1C7

Browns United Church and School
Rr 4 stn main, St marys, ON  N4X 1C7  5193492492
Religious organizations. Membership Organizations

Ofsc District 5
Rr 4 stn main, St marys, ON  N4X 1C7  5193492000
Social services nec. Social Services

Henderson Yost Insurance
136017 13th line, St marys, ON  N4X 1C7  5192836614
Insurance agents brokers and service. Insurance Agents, Brokers and Service

Pinehaven Saw Mill
7064 cobble hills rd, St marys, ON  N4X 1C7  5193492840
Sawmills and planing mills general. Lumber and Wood Products, Except Furniture

Evergreen Mechanical Repairs
Rr 4 stn main, St marys, ON  N4X 1C7  5193492304
Farm and garden machinery. Wholesale Trade - Durable Goods

962697 to 962735 ROAD 96 ST MARYS ONTARIO N4X 1C7 Postal codes Canada

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