Businesses near postal code: L3R 3L2
Public Site Furniture
140 Bentley St Unit 3, Markham, ON
L3R 3L2
Public Site Furniture is a leading site furnishings manufacturer in Canada. They have been in this business for decades and have built their name in this industry. They are famous for manufacturing products like park benches, trash containers, etc.
Canaan Site Furnishings 8773056638
140 Bentley Street Unit 3, Markham, ON
L3R 3L2
Canaan Site Furnishings Products are made with the finest available materials and modern manufacturing techniques where recycled plastic products can easily last beyond 10 to 15 years without any maintenance and the components are all UV resistant, fire resistant, fadeless, and non-toxic.
Canaan Site Furnishings
140 Bentley Street, Unit 3 Markham, ON, CA
L3R 3L2
Canaan products are made with the finest available materials and modern manufacturing techniques. Our valued customs will benefit from a broad selection of commercial products that include:
Public Guidance System: retractable belt stanchions, classic portable posts and ropes, crowd control barriers, pedestrian barricades, temporary fencing
Park Benches: outdoor and indoor metal benches, wooden benches, recycled plastic benches, steel garden benches
Waste Containers: metal waste receptacles, plastic trash cans, stainless steel garbage bins, ash receptacles, cigarette butt disposal containers, recycling bins, waste separation centres, indoor wastebaskets
Price Waterhouse Coopers 4167493211
100 bentley st, Markham, ON
L3R 3L2
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